Monday, September 30, 2013

27 - 30 September 2013

So here we are once more I, working on my artwork and Ron off to his expedition, discovery and
socializing with locals and expats!

He returned home ready for a wonderful fresh Greek Salad a cool glass of Beer and some absolutely delicious cool white grapes that looked like they could easily be as sweet as any baklava desert!

The result of his excursion is as follows:

This one belongs to the house adjacent to the church, I guess the priest's house.

We decided in the afternoon to walk up to the top of the hill where we live and go on the other side which looks towards the town and port as well as the Peloponnese.

The view was just spectacular, the sea was calm and it was so quiet.

Suddenly we started hearing bells, and people cheering, only to find out that across in Galatas (Peloponnese)
there was a wedding, we found out there is a wedding every Saturday.

This is the view near our house which is around
the bend from town. There is a small lovely church there, we will visit it soon.

So, as we started going to the house after dinner, we passed by the cultural center where there was a performance by a guest artist from Berlin, we parked and sat across from him (across the street from the side walk) where the boats were docked, they had small tables and chairs serving drinks.

It was marvelous, his voice was wonderful, he sang ballads, American folk songs and some European songs. He admitted this was the Best stage Ever, on the sidewalk, with all of us across the street!

We walked into the cultural center at one point to see the artwork that was displayed and I saw this telephone that took me back a few years, right?

The next morning the sea was like glass, we decided after breakfast to go to the beach as for sure the wind would change eventually.
The water was indeed as clear as can be, we actually could see the fish swim around our feet, too bad I do not have the type of camera that could catch one while in front of me

I collected this pebble from the beach as it looked like a tree, don't you think?

I spent most of the day painting once we returned from the beach, it was a wonderful day once more.

Hard to believe this is the last day of September.
How can it be, it obviously does not feel like it, even though the weather forecast is warning us for some rain and wind arriving by Tuesday.

Looking at this view from our terrace during our breakfast this morning it seemed as if we were living  one more dream!
Those low clouds in the distance is an early indication that the coming day would morph into another experience.

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