Monday, September 16, 2013

16 September 2013

The slightest breeze was kissing the sea while nature's silver morning veil still covered everything.

The weekender's sailed away from the island one by one as the day wore on.

Ron took off for the post office and market along with his Dictionary, ready to conquer any
possible obstacles. Actually everyone speaks English, some more than others,
but he is determined to learn a lot more and be able to understand some by the time we depart.

I started building my ...nest, where and how I would start my attempts of painting.

It was perfect, the sounds of Julio Inglessias and Vivaldi filled the house.

Ron returned very proud with his purchases and abilities, life is starting to morph into what we so hoped for.

                                       The clouds have started coming from the Northwest.

We could see bellow our house the kayakers getting ready to take off as the water started getting rougher.

 We went into town, as the afternoon had approached, the wind had picked up, the yachts were pulling up heir lines and were tightening  them up in order to have a more secure night.

We walked around town passed the post office, this is the entrance,

Next to it is the adorable church of the "Virgin Mary" we went in to light candles for our children,

It has some wonderful frescos with Iconography.

This Icon has dedications "tama" from people who have prayed for a particular person or wish.

We went by theis gate and I just had to photograph it, it was so unique. A little world of it's own. 

The clouds were getting heavier.

We sat by the water and watched the activity at the portside area had a drink and looked at each other.
Can this be true, we are doing absolutely nothing, have no plans for the day and our only next project is
what we will prepare for dinner. 
Hard to believe that we have to accept this as a normal way of being. 
It is so very hard for me to just sit, thank God that I am constantly thinking of my next art project or 
examining each detail of this marvelous gift of nature.

We headed home and sure enough the blue sky started taking over after a few drops of rain.

Suddenly as I was passing by the window this amazing light brightened up across the window,
as the low sun was setting and managed to break through the clouds hitting the castle of Burtzi on the island
and all the houses across on the mainland, they jut sparkled as if someone shined a bright light just at them and they came to life.

What a sight against the still dark sky!

During dinner as we were sitting on the veranda, the 3/4 moon was shinning brightly on the water
a great promise for a great day ahead.

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