Monday, October 14, 2013

11 - 12 October 2013

This morning we had a hard time leaving our table after breakfast, the sea was like silver glass the wind had not yet touched it. The sun was slowly rising in front of us.

The fishing boat just beyond was sitting still on the water reflecting on this magical mirror as the sea guls were on it's side waiting for whatever they can catch. Almost like playing a hide and seek game with the fisherman.

We decided to go swimming as we did not want to miss the opportunity while the weather was so sweet still.

We ended up in in a small bay called "Love Bay" an absolutely lovely small beach, we had visited before.
This time though it was better than ever we were the only people there, the umbrellas were put away as well as the beach chairs.
 It was so peaceful, we walked into the water and the small transparent small fish, they started swiming around our feet actually we felt them on our skin, it was delightful. No matter how deep we were we could see all the way the bottom of the water.

We stopped for Horiatiki (village) salad which we love, made with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions,peppers, Kalamata olives, feta cheese and oregano, mostly Greek olive oil most people do not
put vinegar, we do just a little. Bread that was toasted on the grill with a little olive oil and oregano on it, Grilled Haloumi cheese.Perfect.

Later in the afternoon as we were enjoying coffee on our terrace, we suddenly started hearing this wonderful music coming from the sea but and radiating into the gulf in front of us, within minutes one after the other these beautiful sailboats all the same type and color, something quite unusual, were departing the island as they appeared from around the corner of our peninsula.

They all were playing the same piece of music and it was incredible. We realized that they must be the Russian flotilla that was expected a few days ago. They were definitely making a statement upon their departure.

They followed each other and as they were further away they formed a tight  formation, what fun.

Later in the afternoon we decided to walk for a while before having dinner and we were somewhat amazed on our walk in how houses are built around the natural rocky landscape. They actually build the house around it instead of moving it as we would do in the States. Below are two good views  of the outside and garden of a house on top of one of the hills that Poros is built on. 

We had to post this beautiful door and bougainvillea. 

Our view just before we ordered dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Paradise! Ron, if we'd known retirement was going to be like this, we should have done it twenty years ago. There's a new Greek restaurant in Sarasota where I had a horiatiki salad (their version -- no peppers) just a few days ago so I'm living vicariously.
    Pat P.
