Thursday, October 10, 2013

09 - 10 October 2013

This morning when we got up we could tell the way the sun was shining that we are getting the warmer weather back.

Here are some pictures of some of the boats that will eventually be coming in.
They are expecting a flotilla of about 50 boats all Russian.

The stores and restaurants at the port are pretty excited as that means they will be 
some great shopping, eating and drinking tonight!

Usually the lead boat is one with color on the sail.

Ron went once more on his door expedition.

September 10th.
I decided not to paint today, it was a grey day and it was an opportunity to take a ride with Ron on our bike around the island and explore.

We passed through the endless pine forests on the winding road up and down the mountain,   

By the way,  almost everywhere while traveling the roads in Greece one sees a 
small memorials such as this one, usually they contain, a lit oil lamp, an icon
and maybe some flowers.

Unfortunately it is  a memorial dedicated to someone who died on the road. Something families

We ended up at the end of a particular road we had gone before, where the beautiful Zoodohou Pigis (The healing spring) Monastery is,we were there before (see 11 September post)as I do not want to bore you with historical

This is a small church just before one enters the grounds of the monastery,
it is adorable and has lovely architecture, here are some pictures of it.

This is a picture from the inside of it's dome.

We then went into the monastery, Ron and I had to wear  a cover over our pants to cover our exposed legs in order to enter.
Two monks remain in the monastery, it's history is very interesting and it it has an amazing amount of
very important iconography and Iconostacy  which is a screen or wall that separates the nave and the altar or sanctuary in all Orthodox churches.

These are the irons that the monks ring before the service.

The iconostacy is an amazing piece of  carved and gilded work, believed to have been made in Asia Minor. 

Here are examples of what is inside it's walls.

Inside it's dome.

An extremely old icon that has been dressed in silver and it's intricate wood carved frame is so impressive.

We then stopped near the monastery at a lovely little cafe, the owner a sweet man, was making ...celery chutney!!! something new he wanted to try and he made two wonderful Greek coffees for us.

Some pictures from his lovely little shop.

His preserves are in this case, he gave me one to take home, how wonderful this world can be, the little touches of
hospitality and kindness are precocious!

We went to town and had a small chicken souvlaki while the rain drops started reconfirming, this will remain as a rainy day, I just loved this little boy that kept passing us by.

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